Natural and Artificial Lighting Systems in Buildings

 Natural and Artificial Lighting Systems in Buildings

Lighting is one of the factors in obtaining a safe and comfortable environment and is closely related to human productivity. Good lighting allows people to see the objects they are working on clearly and quickly.

Lighting systems in buildings are designs and mechanisms made in buildings so that the building gets bright enough light so that people who use the building can see clearly.

The lighting system in buildings is one of the important elements that need to be considered in interior and architectural design. Lighting or lighting, apart from functioning as lighting, can also be used as an accessory to give the aesthetic value of a room or facade

In buildings, there are two lighting systems based on light sources, there are lighting systems that use natural sunlight as a source, some also use artificial light sources such as candles and lamps. However, artificial lighting which is now used as a permanent lighting system in buildings is lamps. The explanation of each lighting system in a building is as follows:

Natural Lighting System
Natural lighting systems are sources of lighting that come from sunlight. Natural rays have many advantages, besides saving electrical energy, they can also kill germs. To get natural lighting in a room, large windows or glass walls are required at least 1/6 of the floor area.

Natural lighting systems can only be extracted from sunlight during the day, while moonlight at night is not an effective natural light source. Natural lighting systems are one of the best sources of light for buildings.

A good source of natural light is not actually direct sunlight, but sky light which is white light that can give us the true color of an object. Direct sunlight is not good because it contains high ultraviolet waves.

Natural lighting sources are sometimes deemed less effective than the use of artificial lighting, apart from the inconsistent light intensity, natural sources generate heat, especially during the day. Natural lighting systems are also a little tricky to come by in rooms that don't have sufficient windows.

Natural lighting sources such as sunlight are not effective enough to cover all indoor activities, especially for rooms that are far from windows. Apart from the fact that the intensity of sunlight obtained by buildings is unstable, natural light sources can generate excess heat, especially when it is hot during the day.

There are several factors that need to be considered so that the use of natural light provides optimal benefits in the room, namely as follows:

  •      Variation in the intensity of sunlight
  •      Distribution of how bright the sun is
  •      The effect of the window location and the direction of the sunlight
  •      Effect of reflection and refraction of light (Reflection & Refraction)
  •      Geographical location and function of the building


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